Игра ведётся в альтернативной сериалу вселенной, всё идёт кувырком, и никто понятия не имеет, что предпринять, чтобы история, наконец-то, пошла своим чередом. Запрыгивайте в будку, пока не поздно!
Из далёких глубин космоса, из самых абсурдных уголков Вселенной вас приветствуем мы, люди, которые любят Доктора Кто во всех его великолепных проявлениях и которые хотят в него играть! Маятник качается, Алиса падает в кроличью нору, законы времени снова нарушаются, в чьи-то головы снова заползают концептуальные сущности, гусеницы потягивают кальян, а у воронов и письменных столов не находится ничего общего... Или, всё-таки? Давайте отправимся в путешествие вместе!
It was a hot morning in the Master's California residence. He woke up all sweaty and exhausted. He tried switching on all his conditioning units, but... Читать дальше



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Вы здесь » DW: CHASING RABBITS » видала я такую чепуху » Sabbath Book

Sabbath Book

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Upon facing the unknown,
Where would one go,
What would one seek,
And how would one find revelation?

Отредактировано Sabbath (2018-09-06 23:51:38)




"There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know."
~ Harry S. Truman

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."
~ Napoleone Bonaporte

"People are traped in history and history is trapped in them."
~ James A. Baldwin

"History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies."
~ Alixis de Tocqueville



He stood above a large glazed opening. A string of light - a galaxy - was coiling at his feet. He was surrounded by darkness and sounds - sounds of the engine and space currents intertwining in an almost deafening hum.
Flung over his arm, there was a piece of a thin, practically transparant cloth. He spread it over the opening letting the fabric cover the thick glass.
His clenched fist had been hiding a small opalescent ball. He opened his palm and poised the ball right in the middle, and then stretched his arm over the fabric on the floor. Then, with his other hand, he got a knife out of his pocket. Slowly and steadily, he cut his palm in a semi-circle around the ball, and then closed his grip letting the ball soke in blood.
Then he turned his hand, released the ball and made it fall down on the covered glass.
He watched stirlessly, how the ball rolled, following the outline of the galaxy almost exactly, leaving a red trace behind it as it went, highliting breaks and fissures of the fabric.
He closed his eyes.
The sound engulfed him.


Отредактировано Sabbath (2018-09-07 01:39:42)


Вы здесь » DW: CHASING RABBITS » видала я такую чепуху » Sabbath Book

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